Another illegal parking lot

Winnipeg has a rich history of illegal and offensive parking lots. There is, for example, the case of ‘Jelly Bean Park’ whereby a quaint little park on Portage Avenue was converted into a primitive gravel parking lot in a business deal involving convicted cocaine trafficker Ray Rybachuk prior to his mysterious death by snowmobile accident.…

Cranbrook and the Kootenay Ice

The large makeshift rink in Baker Park is bustling with kids and parents having fun on a pleasant Saturday afternoon. There are multiple, informal hockey games going on at the same time on the two halves of the rink. It’s an idyllic Canadian scene, and a reminder that Cranbrook B.C. is a hockey town. For 20…

Is Downtown Winnipeg Safe?

It’s a question that comes up repeatedly in Winnipeg, and I suspect many other cities: Is downtown safe? If it’s NOT safe, then what can we do to make it safe? If it IS safe, then how do we change the perception that it’s not? A casual forum was organized this afternoon to discuss a…

Corydon/Osborne: What good is a plan?

A new development at Winnipeg’s iconic Confusion Corner was announced this past week through the media. In fact, construction is already underway, with piles being driven into the ground as you read this. “We’re pleased that Osborne Place will meet and exceed the goals outlined by the City of Winnipeg’s Corydon-Osborne Area Plan” said the…

Winnipeg Winter Walkway Survey

There is a move afoot to gather data about people’s experience booting it around town. The project is called Winnipeg Winter Walkway Survey. It asks 17 questions, most of them multiple choice (’cause I know how you feel about those long form written questions) and many are optional. The survey asks about the conditions that…

Things Winnipeg could learn from Montreal

The following is a guest post from J. Young, a sibling who doesn’t wish to be identified any further, following a visit to Montreal earlier this year. I’ve been sitting on this for months, but since I’ve had difficulty mustering up my own blog posts lately I will finally post this: ********** 5 ideas Winnipeg…

‘Mixed Use’ doesn’t work in Winnipeg

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read that mixed use development is the answer to the problems caused by Winnipeg’s sprawling car-oriented ways. Bloggers, editorialists and self-professed urbanists say it. Anybody who considers themselves a forward-thinking advocate of city densification believes in it. Many of these same people like to reference Jane Jacobs,…

Peavey Mart opens in Winnipeg

Retail is kind of a big deal in Winnipeg, so much so that mayor Sam Katz cited Bed, Bath and Beyond as evidence that Winnipeg was undergoing a “renaissance” in a recent address.-fp– The opening of IKEA rocked the city and everyone is exciting about H&M coming to Polo Park shopping centre. Big international or…