The Topsy-Turvy World of Bill Morneau

There was good news in last week’s Federal budget. The economy grew again and the government pulled in a projected $9 billion more than they expected, and a cool $21 billion more than the year before. The bean counters are expecting an additional $6.6 billion on top of that unexpected windfall next year. Not too…

The cost of bracket creep in Manitoba

On April 30, the Manitoba provincial government will present its budget for the coming fiscal year. You can be sure that within the budget package the government will trumpet the tax savings that it has bestowed on Manitoba wage earners over the years. You can be equally sure that there will be no mention of…

Doubling down on TFSAs

The Government of Canada has not yet backed away from its plans to increase the Tax Free Savings Account contribution limit to $10,000-$11,000 from the current $5,500, and that has caused a bit of a stir. The foregone tax revenue will cost the federal and provincial governments billions of dollars a year, we are told,…