Manitoba Hydro and Manitoba Forward

I was scanning the Winnipeg Sun today when I came upon a full page ad directed at Manitoba Hydro employees: The ad starts by buttering up Hydro employees by telling them that they “have done a fine job”, then sets about explaining why their employer is going to shambles. The ad explains that the NDP…

Jon Montgomery and Sochi 2014: what could have been

The Canadian men’s skeleton team for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia will only have two athletes, and one of them will not be named Jon Montgomery. Until recently many people, myself included, assumed that Jon would be there. Why wouldn’t we? He is the reigning gold medalist, he was the fastest Canadian in…

Death Cab For Selby

Other people have died shortly after being released from hospital, but recent back-to-back fatalities have put a spotlight on a possible systemic problem within the Manitoba health care system. Walking into that spotlight last Friday was the Minister of Health, Erin Selby, not to take responsibility on behalf of the health care system but to…

2014 Peg-city Predictions

A few predictions for the coming year in this colder-than-Mars city of Winnipeg … Manitoba Politics There will be less excitement in the Manitoba political arena this year than last. Last year brought a new leader to one of the three major political parties when the refreshingly youthful Rana Bokhari took hold of the Liberal…