Around: Boston

I spent a few days in Boston. What follows is a disjointed series of pictures observations from that trip. Getting Around Look at Boston on google maps and you’ll see freeways cutting through the middle of the city. Route 90 shoots west, straight through the historic Back Bay neighbourhood (or should I type “neighborhood” because…

Speed and Pedestrian Fatalities

The momentum behind a movement to reduce residential speed limits is building, not just in Winnipeg but in larger cities all over the world. Calgary city council recently voted to reduce their residential speed limit to 40 km/h. The UN and WHO are pushing for reduced residential speeds. Outspoken individuals and advocacy groups have sprung…

Safe Speeds Winnipeg

On September 24, MPI issued a warning that 2019 was trending towards a new record for pedestrian fatalities in Manitoba in a single year. For every fatality there are on average over 13 injuries, according to MPI’s data. A week ago, two more pedestrians were hit by a driver and sent to the hospital in…

The Portage and Main Debate

Families are being torn apart, coworker is pitted against coworker, and my Twitter feed has turned into a war zone. It’s no surprise, really. If my 10 years of blogging and 5 years on Twitter have taught me anything, it’s that nothing riles up Winnipeggers like transportation issues, and opening up Portage and Main is…